Work with me

Thank you so much for your interest in my children’s book illustration services. If you have already familiarized yourself with my process and pricing and would like to hire me, then the first step towards working together is for you to fill out this Creative Brief. It’s a questionnaire to get to know you, to learn about the story, to gather the specs and requirements for your book, and for you to share your vision for how you would like your book to look. I also use the Creative Brief to determine if I am a good match for you. I know my strengths and weaknesses as an artist and if I feel another artist would serve you better, I am more than happy to point you in another direction. I also often have multiple requests for book illustration come in at the same time, and can only take on a limited number each year. Therefore, it is my preference to take on projects where I am passionate for the subject matter, am given a degree of creative freedom, and that can be booked ahead of time into my schedule; as well as to find projects where the manuscripts are written and professionally edited to certain quality level. Please email a copy of your manuscript, including any illustrator notes, to in a single email. All communications and materials will of course be kept confidential.